Many of our faculty act in leadership roles as editors and co-editors in peer-reviewed academic journals and periodicals.
Heather Alexander
Associate Professor, Forest Ecology
- Online Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2021-present
- Online Associate Editor, Fire Ecology, 2019-present
Chris Anderson
Professor, Coastal Wetland Ecology
- Associate Editor, Plant Ecology, Springer International Publishing, 2019-present
Stephen Ditchkoff
William R & Fay Ireland Distinguished Professor, Wildlife Ecology, Management, and Nutrition
- Associate Editor, Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2020-2022
Lori Eckhardt
Professor, Integrated Forest Pathology and Entomology
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Forest Research, 2020-present
Zhaofei (Joseph) Fan
Professor, Forest Ecology and Statistics
- Associate Editor, Forest Science, 2020-2022
- Associate Editor, Forestry Research, 2020-2022
Robert Gitzen
Associate Professor, Wildlife Biology and Conservation
- Managing Editor, Journal of SEAFWA, 2021-2022
Latif Kalin
Clinton-McClure Professor, Hydrology
- Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2016-present
- Associate Editor, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry, 2019-present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University, 2017-present
Chris Lepczyk
Professor, Wildlife Biology and Conservation
- Associate Editor, Biological Invasions, 2017-present
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2022-present
- Associate Editor, Ornithological Applications (formerly Condor), 2022-present
- Associate Editor, Ecosphere, 2022-present
- Associate Editor, PLOS One, 2022-present
- Associate Editor, Urban Ecosystems, 2022-present
- Publications Committee Chair, Ecological Society of America, 2024-present
Wayde Morse
Professor, Conservation Social Sciences
- Associate Editor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2020-2022
- Associate Editor, Journal of Interpretation Research, 2021-2022
- Associate Editor, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism, 2022
Lana Narine
Assistant Professor, Geospatial Analytics
- Associate Editor, Information Geography, 2024-present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Forestry, 2020-present
Soledad Peresin
Associate Professor, Forest Biomaterials; Adjunct Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Editor, TAPPI Journal, 2020-present
Mark Smith
Extension Coordinator & Mosley Environmental Professor, Wildlife Management
- Associate Editor, Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2020-present
Brian Via
Regions Professor, Forest Products
- Editor-in-Chief, Forest Products Journal, 2020-present
Daowei Zhang
Assoc. Dean of Research, Alumni and George W. Peake Professor, Forest Economics
- Associate Editor, Journal of Forest Economics, 2020-present
- Editor-in-Chief, Forest Policy and Economics, 2020-present
Yaoqi Zhang
Alumni Professor, Forest Economics and Management
- Associate Editor, Small Scale Forestry, 2015-present
Sarah Zohdy
Associate Professor, Disease Ecology
- Associate Editor, Ecosphere, 2015-present