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Undergraduate Student Services

Supporting academic and career success

The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment Office of Undergraduate Student Services works hard to support and guide its students with a personal touch. When your academic advisor shares your goals, knows your name and remembers to ask how you are doing – that’s how we put the “family” in “Auburn Family.”

Our academic advisors will support you each step of the way as you navigate toward graduation. We strive to provide resources that will maximize your time at Auburn, while helping you to work toward a timely graduation and a satisfying career.

Todd Steury

Todd Steury

Assoc. Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor of Wildlife Biology

Office: 3301A
Ginger Donaldson

Ginger Donaldson

Director, Student Services

Office: 2221
denise cole

Michelle Cole

Academic Administrator III

Office: 2222
Brooke Martin

Brooke Martin

Coordinator III, Student Recruitment & Events

Office: 2301B
Lucas Carroll

Lucas Carroll

Student Services Coordinator

Office: 2223
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