fall leaves on a tree
Mosley Award for Achievement in Forestry, Wildlife, and Related Resources seeks to publicly recognize achievements that have resulted in the wiser use of Alabama’s renewable natural resources. The Program is administered by Auburn University and was made possible by a gift from an Auburn alumnus, the late Dr. W. Kelly Mosley of Atlanta, Georgia, and from the John and Mary Franklin Foundation. For over 30 years, the Mosley Environmental Awards Program has given recognition for outstanding voluntary efforts in forestry, wildlife, fisheries, soil, water, air, wildflowers, non-game wildlife, environmental education, conservation, and urban forestry.
It is a fundamental mission of the Mosley Environmental Achievement Award to identify and reward “unsung heroes” who have voluntarily contributed significantly to the wise stewardship of Alabama’s natural resources. Almost anyone may be eligible – youths, adults, practitioners, professionals, technicians, individual citizens, and groups – if their voluntary contributions have resulted in the wiser use of our natural resources and the betterment of our communities.
Nominations for the Mosley Environmental Achievement Award may be submitted any time of year using a relatively simple application process. Winners receive a $500 cash prize, a certificate of recognition, and a framed limited-edition reproduction of a forestry/wildlife painting. Nominators receive the same reproduction should their submission be successful.
We invite you to help us identify and reward “unsung heroes” who have voluntarily contributed significantly to the wise stewardship of Alabama’s natural resources.
or mail your nomination to:
Dr. Mark Smith,
Mosley Environmental Professor
College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
602 Duncan Drive
Auburn University, AL 36849
Mosley Environmental Achievement Awardees:
1981 | Adams & Lowery | Bruce Adams & George Lowery | For exemplary action in suppressing a forest fire during off-duty hours. Their action led to saving logging equipment worth $200,000 from fire. |
1998 | Aldridge | Eddie Aldridge | For giving to the city of Hoover his spacious home and 30 acre landscaped estate in order to insure future generations have a place of beauty to visit forever. |
1991 | Amacher | Anne Ward Amacher | For tenaciously gathering and disseminating information about water quality. Her diligent advocacy and dedicated volunteer service have led to improved water quality in Auburn and the state of Alabama. |
1988 | Avery | Tony Avery | For singlehandedly advancing the multiple use management offorest land through the TREASURE Forest concept. Hisextraordinary encouragement to many landowners in MarionCounty has helped them develop their forest lands' full potential. |
1982 | Babb | Donald Babb | For his outstanding work in rural community fire protection. His success in organizing rural community fire protection programs has led to increased residential and forest fire protection in Pickens and surrounding counties. |
1993 | Baker | Dale Baker | For his leadership in the Bear Creek Water Quality Project in Franklin County. Mr. Baker also is to be commended for his application of conservation and water quality practices on his own farm. These practices have been emulated by many other landowners. |
2018 | Bancroft & McDaniel | David Bancroft & Rob McDaniel | Contributions to the Alabama Oyster Social, a fundraising and educational event that raised over $45,000 to help support the states new oyster farmers. These environmentally friendly businesses have created good, local jobs in Alabamas rural coastal communities while also creating habitat for numerous invertebrates and fish species and improving water quality. |
1982 | Barrow | G.M. Mack Barrow | For contributing his personal time and energy tp protecting the forests, without regard to ownership, of Butler and surrounding counties from damaging wildfires. His selfless service has contributed significantly to Butler County's excellent fire control record and to the general welfare and overall environmental enhancement of the community. |
2011 | Basset | Jimmy & Wayne Basset | The location, collection, preservation, cultivation and distribution of native plants and trees for the enhancement of wildlife habitat. |
1990 | Bates | A. Leon Bates | For significant contributions to the environmental education of North Alabamians. His enthusiastic out-of-classroom teaching has led many youths and adults to love and enjoy wildflowers, trees, and the entire environment. |
1993 | Bates | Jarrad Bates | For building and placing nesting boxes for wood ducks in sloughs and creeks in Chilton and Coosa counties. This activity led him, and the many young volunteers who assisted him, to have increased concern and knowledge about how to improve the environment. |
2009 | Bengston | George Bengston | Contributions to the Auburn Tree Commission over a period of several years, leadership on the Auburn Beautification Council, and leadership, promotion, and establishment of the Historic Auburn Tree Trail, a quarter-mile walking path with 34 trees connected to important people or events in American history |
1991 | Bernhard | Ross S. Bernhard | For a lifelong commitment to protecting the forest environment and convincing others to do the same. His advocacy of best management practices (BMPs) and his perseverance in seeing them implemented over the past 30 years have resulted in soil and water protection on more than 800 miles of stabilized logging roads in Alabama and four other states. Bernhard's company is in the forefront of those implementing BMPs |
1980 | Berry | Bruce A. Berry | For contributing to North American waterfowl conservation over the past ten years while serving as a volunteer leader for Ducks Unlimited, Inc., in Alabama. Selfless service led to a doubling of Alabama's Ducks Unlimited efforts and passage of the State Duck Stamp bill, which will provide new support for waterfowl conservation. |
1989 | Black | Allen Black | For enhancing the TREASURE Forest Program by developing the Alabama Forestry Commission office site in Marengo County as a miniature TREASURE forest and for promoting prescribed burning for forestry-wildlife management. His personal efforts have exceeded what is normally expected for a person in his position and have directly benefitted his constituents. |
1986 | Black | Chester M. Black | For conceiving a program and securing funds for reclaiming strip-mined lands in a 22-county area of North Central Alabama. His tireless and unselfish efforts have led to hundreds of acres of surface-mined lands being restored to productive wildlife and forest habitat and to the improvement of soil and water resources. |
2003 | Blackwell | Billy Blackwell | For his contributions to the development of the Mabson Community Education Forest. |
1982 | Bone & Fredrick | Louise D. Bone & Lorene Fredrick | For their exceptional work in providing documented information about historical trees in the Florence, Alabama, area. Their dedicated work ensures that future generations will be aware of unique and historical trees and, in a broader way, has called attention to the beauty of our natural surroundings. |
1997 | Bourne | Brian Bourne | For establishing the Bold Destiny/Bedford V. Cash Horse and Hiking Trail in Tuskegee National Forest while maintaining and preserving the natural forest environment. |
1984 | Brady | Joe H. Brady | For sponsoring and endowing the Joe H. Brady 4-H Forestry Awards at Auburn University beginning in 1959. These awards have encouraged 4-H youth to explore careers in natural resources and develop their character and leadership talents. |
1986 | Breeding | Mallieve Breeding | For establishing junior garden clubs in the elementary schools in Selma. These, and numerous other efforts, have led to the environmental education of thousands of boys and girls across Dallas County and resulted in Selma's receiving numerous environmental awards and being a better place in which to live. |
1985 | Breeman | Leonard G. Breeman | For his dedication to increasing productivity on non-industrial private forest lands. His able leadership of the Alabama Forestry Association's Productivity Committee has led to increased participation by industry in local and state efforts to solve the productivity problem. |
1997 | Brinn | Misty Brinn | For giving selflessly of her time and energy as a Forest Service volunteer to promote natural resource management and increase public awareness of the Forest Service mission within the state of Alabama and the Conecuh Ranger District. |
2011 | Bronson | Richard Bronson | Outstanding founder and leader of the Lake Watch of Lake Martin, active participate in Alabama Water Watch Program, spearheaded research and technology transfer agreements and activities with Auburn University, organized and conducted many significant educational programs for adults and children regarding water quality. |
2012 | Brown | Jerry Brown | Dedication to providing quality habitat for wildlife and sharing his knowledge of successful wildlife management with others. He is a passionate hunting safety instructor having volunteered many hours of indoor and outdoor class time to teach youth on firearm safety and ethical hunting. |
1997 | Bruce | Alan Bruce | For developing the Evan F. Allison Conservation Forest to demonstrate the latest forest technology and wildlife management principles that landowners should employ on their land. |
1999 | Byrd | Ellen Byrd | Founded and is president of The Black Freedmens Living Historical Farm for Children, Inc., a forum for educating children and adults on the importance of environmental protection and awareness. |
1995 | Caley | A. F. Sonny Caley | For leadership in conservation programs, research coordination, and technology adoption resulting in the conservation of Alabama's forestry and wildlife natural resources. |
1984 | Cambre | Tom V. Cambre | For an exceptional personal interest in the advancement of hardwood forest management in Alabama. His commitment, which substantially exceeds what an employer normally requires, has resulted in better management of thousands of acres of Alabama's hardwood forests. |
1980 | Camp | Tharon W. Camp | For developing and conducting youth and adult educational programs in forestry, fisheries, and wildlife. These programs led to more than 16 young persons pursuing professional careers in natural resources; these youths made people aware of the importance of reforestation and the adoption of good natural resources management practices. |
1999 | Carter | Alice Carter | For working tirelessly to protect and preserve native wildflowers in a 12 mile stretch on Highway 80 West and helping to coordinate mowing periods for reseeding efforts. |
1984 | Cates | Eric O Cates Jr. | For his unprecedented effort to promote forestry-wildlife management and conservation in Butler County. His efforts as a citizen, landowner, and statesman have led to direct improvements in natural resources programs and an increased awareness of the benefits of forestry, wildlife, and conservation on the part of citizens in Butler County and people who know him. |
1980 | Causey | M. Keith Causey | For documentation of extraordinary numbers of American woodcock nesting in Alabama during late winter and early spring. This observation and subsequent verification through research led to hunting seasons being adjusted to reduce interference with reproduction of these southern nesters. |
2006 | Clark | Charles Clark | Instrumental in establishing a thriving TREASURE Forest chapter in Crenshaw County and has helped to promote and arrange many forestry and wildlife educational events for both youth and adults within the county, and contributed forest management demonstrations on his own property for use during educational events. |
1984 | Coe | Herbert E. Coe | For giving unselfishly of his time and energy to advance forest management activities in Cleburne County, Alabama. His actions have contributed to meeting the wood resource needs of future generations. |
1987 | Colburn | Moran O. Colburn | For life-long love of nature and young people, expressed in part through his directing Boy Scouts in the construction of three major trails in the Talladega National Forest, including the complete development of the Silent Chinnabee Trail. This has benefitted thousands of nature lovers and instilled an appreciation and a love for nature in the Boy Scouts which will remain with them for life. |
1981 | Compton | A.W. "Buck" Compton | For adopting and applying progressive multiple-use forest management practices in Marengo County. The adoption and application of these up-to-date practices have led to thousands of acres in Marengo and surrounding counties being managed so as to assure a future abundance of multiple benefits. |
2000 | Conroy | Pete Conroy | Mr. Conroy's overall desire to conserve, protect, and develop the environment along with his undying commitment to better educate the public on the use and conservation of Alabamas natural resources has led to more awareness and growing concern in the Talladega Mountains |
1986 | Cook | John R. Cook Sr. | For developing and sponsoring Cook's Natural Science Museum in Decatur, Alabama. This privately owned and operated museum provides fascinating natural science displays and has led thousands of individuals, young and old alike, to appreciate and be aware of our natural resources and the environment. |
1999 | Corley | Tom E. Corley | For preserving a part of the past (an 1840's log house) and developing the surrounding 18 acre tract of land as an environmentally sound and useful area. |
2015 | Couch | Fred Couch | Unmatched dedication to the creation of the Alabama Scenic River Trail, providing the leadership and initiative in the formation of a state-wide team to create, nurture, organize, fund and promote the Trail. |
1988 | Crump | Paul Crump Jr. | For providing efficient and economical reforestation services for landowners. His creativity and determination led to the development of cost-saving techniques that benefitted individual landowners and permitted more landowners to participate in reforestation programs. |
1983 | Davies | William D. Davies | For a deep personal commitment to a holistic view of natural resources conservation. His commitment has led to the development, use, and conservation of soil, water, fish, forest, and other vegetative resources on his own property and influenced neighbors to adopt similar practices. |
1993 | Dean | Caroline Dean | For her 20 year dedication to the conservation and propagation of native plants and wildflowers. Her love for native plants and her educational activities have helped Alabamians appreciate their importance to the environment. |
2001 | Deibert | Lillian Deibert | Established Deibert Park, which serves the educational and environmental needs of people in Lauderdale County. |
2018 | Dewberry | Felicia & Lamar Dewberry | Support and hosting of programs such as Walk in the Forest and ForestHer to educate and encourage countless numbers of women to take an active role in forest management on their own property. |
1989 | Dewberry | Lamar Dewberry | For providing leadership and inspiration beyond regular teaching requirements. His emphasis on forestry in his FFA activities and Agri-Science classes has led to highly motivated students who are pursuing higher education degrees in agriculture, forestry, and environmental sciences. |
1997 | Dixon | Martha Belvin Dixon | For leadership as co-founder of the 5,000 acre Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center in Andalusia, Alabama and in recognition of her efforts regarding renewable natural resource management in Alabama. |
1997/ | Dixon | Thelma Chapman Dixon | For leadership as managing general partner of the Dixon Family Partnership, L.P., in establishing a unique land ownership in south Alabama which promotes good land stewardship combined with sound conservation practices and in recognition of her continuing efforts regarding renewable natural resource management in Alabama. |
2012 | Doster & Elliot | Charlotte Doster and Harnage Elliot | Significant contributions to the establishment and continued support for youth dove hunt events, reaching over 1000 beginning hunters with a structured and safe outdoor experience of high quality. These events are conducted in collaboration with state agencies and have been emulated across the state. |
2000 | Dreyer | Barbara Dreyer | For outstanding leadership and strong personal effort in organizing and guiding the Home Owners and Boat Owners (HOBO) on Lake Jordan toward a massive clean-up of the waters and shoreline and working with other upstream reservoir personnel to accomplish similar objectives. |
1990 | Dyas | Arthur Corte Dyas | For his overall leadership of and participation in opportunities to preserve and protect the environment. His efforts have led to the enhancement and protection of the Mobile delta and surrounding area. |
1997 | Dye | Pat Dye | For using his recognition earned as Auburn Universitys Head Football Coach to encourage and promote proper management of wildlife, timber, soil and water resources within the state of Alabama. |
1980 | Eddins | E. O. Eddins | For work in behalf of people and wildlife in Alabama and helping both to adjust to modern agricultural and timber management practices. His strong hunter ethic and constructive conservation legislation contributed to the building and maintenance of Alabama's fine deer herd. |
1993 | Edgar | Joe Trice Edgar | For outstanding leadership in local, state, and national organizations for soil conservation, water quality, agriculture stewardship, and wildlife enrichment. For over 30 years of determined leadership to improve our state and nation's natural resources. |
1994 | Edgar | Margaret Edgar | For her leadership role in the Ladies Auxiliary of the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts. Mrs. Edgar was instrumental in establishing and administering a scholarship fund for young Alabamians studying in the fields of forestry, wildlife, or related resources. |
1996 | Edwards | Harriet Edwards | For leadership in Urban Forestry projects and the Tree Commission in Florence, Alabama organizing educational workshops and programs to teach others about the importance and care of trees in urban settings. |
2012 | Elliot & Doster | Harnage Elliot & Charlotte Doster | Significant contributions to the establishment and continued support for youth dove hunt events, reaching over 1000 beginning hunters with a structured and safe outdoor experience of high quality. These events are conducted in collaboration with state agencies and have been emulated across the state. |
1985 | Etheridge | Lucy Etheridge | For using forestry subject matter in her high school science classes in Clarke County. Her dedicated teaching of forestry has led hundreds of students to better understand the biological and economic contribution of forests to Clarke and surrounding counties. |
1991 | Fain | Joe Billy Fain | For tireless efforts to educate people in and around Wetumpka on the issue of river flow to the Coosa River below Jordan Dam. His 20 years of educating and engendering support have resulted in a decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to restore river flow to this section of the Coosa River. |
1985 | Findlay | John Findlay III | For his expert work in laying out and maintaining trails to "bring back the bluebird" and for instructing others in how to build and erect nest boxes. His dedication has led to an increase in the bluebird population, a beneficial, insect-eating species. |
1984 | Fitz-Gerald | Betty L. Fitz-Gerald | For conducting Arbor Day and environmental outdoor classroom programs for Montgomery youth and citizenry. Her activities in these areas have instilled in all who know her a curiosity of natural world and an appreciation for its beauty. |
1993 | Ford | Ellis Milton Ford | For his overall desire to conserve, protect, and develop the environment. His undying commitment to educate the public about the conservation and use of Alabama's natural resources has resulted in Colbert County residents having increased awareness and understanding about the environmental needs in Colbert County. |
1990 | Ford | Stanley Wayne Ford | For his leadership initiative and motivation in establishing the State 4-H Forestry Judging Program in Alabama and sponsoring the most frequently winning team at the National 4-H Forestry Invitational in West Virginia during the 1980's. His efforts have brought national recognition to the Alabama 4-H Program and have been a positive force in teaching forestry, conservation, and wildlife skills to youth, encouraging them to be wise stewards of natural resources. |
1991 | Foster | John Foster Sr. | For unselfishly developing his property for natural resources education. His freely allowing others to use the property has provided an environmental foundation and understanding for thousands of youths and adults of Tuscaloosa County. |
2012 | Frazer | William Frazer | Tireless volunteer to improve natural resources educational programs for youth and adults; instrumental in the creation and leadership of a local county forestry planning committee, organized lead several teacher in-service trainings in natural resources, writes a natural resources related column for a local newspaper, participates in classroom-in-the-forest programs, and helped established local hiking and biking trails. |
1982 | Fredrick | Lorene and Lou Fredrick | For their exceptional work in providing documented information about historical trees in the Florence, Alabama, area. Their dedicated work ensures that future generations will be aware of unique and historical trees and, in a broader way, has called attention to the beauty of our natural surroundings. |
1981 | Freeman | John D. Freeman | For substantially expanding the reference collection of plant specimens in the Alabama State Herbarium at Auburn University. His dedication as curator of the herbarium has resulted in a significant advance toward the goal of documenting the geographical ranges of the various elements of Alabama flora and an improved research capability by Auburn University. |
1982 | Frese | Robert B. Frese | For his deep conviction that a large pulp facility could be built and sustained solely from raw materials from non-industrial private forests. His idea led to the construction of a large pulp mill in Monroe County and a number of environmentally sound and innovative wood procurement and forest regeneration projects for sustaining the operation, since the company owns no timberland. Manufacturing activities by the Alabama River Pulp Company and forestry activities by the Alabama River Woodlands, Inc., have benefited citizens and forest landowners in Monroe and surrounding counties. |
1980 | Fuller | James T. Fuller | For introducing the first old-field tree planter into Perry County and for constructing two miles of nature trails. The adoption of these pace-setting actions resulted in trees being planted on eroding and depleted cultivated land and neighbors and friends knowing about the potential value of trees. |
1987 | Garland & Owen | B. William Garland & Luther M. Owen | For their exemplary activities in managing 46,000 acres of military lands on Fort McClellan. Their commitment to forest and wildlife conservation has led them to establish a multiple-use management program which maximizes the productivity of the land without compromising the military mission. |
1998 | Garner | Jane R. Garner | For going above and beyond her duty as a first grade teacher to instill in students a respect and understanding for the environment. |
1991 | Garrick | Herman E. Garrick | For volunteer efforts in educating children and adults about the importance of forestry and natural resources. His efforts have encouraged many people to improve forest land and practice conservation. |
1999 | Gaston | Ann Gaston | For working tirelessly to protect and preserve native wildflowers in a 12 mile stretch on Highway 80 West and helping to coordinate mowing periods for reseeding efforts. |
1991 | Gillespie | Junior Wimpy Gillespie | For 25 years of voluntary involvement in Alabama's 4-H youth and adult leader programs. His unique lifestyle and skill in designing learning situations have inspired thousands of youths and adults to appreciate nature and conserve natural resources. |
2013 | Gillium | Howard Gillium | Actively supporting the states Wildlife Management Areas, voluntarily allowed his property to be a part of his local WMA, and mentoring other landowners regarding proper forest management techniques, in particular the use of prescribed burning for wildlife habitat, championing the implementation of sound management, and supporting a partnership with the state WMA |
1987 | Goodson | John Goodson Jr. | For dedicated and enthusiastic leadership in forestry in Bibb County and the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts. His inspired efforts have encouraged many others to get involved in forestry-related activities. |
1996 | Hadaway | Jeff Hadaway | For leadership in natural resource training in general and specifically relative to hunter ethics and safety training by developing a model hunter safety and ethics training program in Chambers County, Alabama. |
1981 | Hall | Thomas F. (Whitley) Hall | For always standing ready to help anyone with any project dealing with nature and the outdoors. His enthusiastic sponsorship of a diverse array of conservation projects has influenced North Alabama youngsters and citizens to have a positive appreciation for the natural environment. |
1993 | Ham | Ron & Anna Ham | For taking special interest in providing bluebird and purple martin nesting habitat in the Huntsville area over the past 7 years. The Hams also have shown their dedication to wildlife conservation by involving others through demonstration areas and by creating interest among municipal governments and local youth groups. |
1994 | Harrigan | Dwight Harrigan | For dedicated and generous service to the state's forest and wildlife resources. By developing and providing hunting for the general public on 20,000 acres of property in Clarke County, Alabama, known as the Scotch Management Area, Mr. Harrigan has helped assure the future of public hunting and demonstrated how good forest management can produce abundant wildlife resources. |
1987 | Hartley | Gerald L. Hartley | For a decade of commitment to ensure the existence of the Eastern Bluebird. His intense dedication has led directly to the construction and location of thousands of bluebird boxes and the education of thousands of Southeast Alabamians about the plight of the Eastern Bluebird. |
1988 | Hedrick | Larry Hedrick | For increasing the level of cooperation between the Forest Service and the Game and Fish Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. His personal influence and leadership have led to historically high levels of cooperation between the two agencies and exceptional improvement in the management of wildlife on Forest Service lands. |
1984 | Hobbs | Allen Ross Hobbs | For developing and implementing an outstanding environmental education program at Byrd Elementary School in Selma, Alabama over the past 10 years. His program has touched hundreds of students and parents and, through them, family members and the local community with information about the conservation of our natural resources. |
2001 | Holler | Margaret Holler | For volunteer work which has substantially advanced the educational and public outreach programs at the Kreher Forest Preserve. |
2013 | Holmes | Charles Holmes | N/A, not listed |
1986 | Holt | Luther M. Holt | For his enthusiastic efforts with the Auburn city officials, citizens, and others to stimulate interest in preserving trees. Numerous and specific projects led by Mr. Holt have resulted in Auburn's Tree City Program and Commission being one of the most outstanding in Alabama. |
1983 | Hughes | Barry Hughes | For exemplary action in forest resources and youth development. His application of multiple-use forest management practices and related educational activities have led to an increased awareness of good forest resources management practices among youth and adults in Tuscaloosa County. |
2015 | Hughes | Jimmy & Martha Hughes | Contributions to youth education through the "Friends of the Forest" program and offering their property for landowner field tours on many occasions along with providing leadership in their local chapter of the Autauga Forestry & Wildlife Stewardship Council. |
1985 | Hughes | Nellie & Frances Hughes | For developing the "Hill 'n Dale Nature Trail," for producing a collection of color slides of wildflowers of southeastern Alabama, and for presenting programs in classrooms from kindergarten through junior college. Their efforts have filled a void in the science education programs of Dale and surrounding counties and allowed students to learn about and enjoy nature to the same extent that they themselves did as youngsters. |
1983 | Hunt | James A. Hunt | For developing and implementing a comprehensive public awareness program in forest and natural resources. His love and dedication to his work, expertise in applying multiple resource management techniques to the forest, and enthusiasm in informing others of the need for wise resource management has affected hundreds of people in Lee and Macon counties. |
2001 | Irby | Aroine Irby | Mr. Irby has demonstrated outstanding efforts in assisting many underserved Wilcox County landowners with information on programs and agency support. |
2988 | Ireland | William Ireland | For a lifelong dedication to wildlife conservation through time and monetary contributions. His love and concern for the welfare of our natural resources have directly benefitted his neighbors and the citizens of Alabama. |
1992 | Jacobs | John C. Jacobs | For his numerous volunteer efforts in behalf of forestry and wildlife conservation. His unselfish dedication and volunteerism have led to improve forestry and wildlife programs for the citizens of Jackson County. |
2003 | Dan | James Dan | For his contributions in the advancement of environmental knowledge and mentoring youth on the issues of timber production and wildlife. |
1994 | Johnson | Maude B. Johnson | For 46 years of outstanding leadership and teaching of soil and water conservation at the local, state, and national levels. Mrs. Johnson is a dedicated conservationists who has had a tremendous impact on protecting the natural resources of Alabama. |
1986 | Jones | E. K. Carlisle Jones | For exemplary activities in restoring and managing 1,350 exploited farm and forest acres in Sumter County. His inner drive and life-long interest in forest and wildlife conservation led him to restore the productivity and health of his own land. He also demonstrated to others the dramatic improvement made by the exercise of good stewardship and by the implementation of established, as well as innovative, land management procedures. |
2009 | Jones | Frank Jones | Developed and implemented a successful and innovative process to plant and maintain a mixture of native warm season grasses, then partnered with the county Soil and Water Conservation District to produce and distribute an educational DVD free of charge to Alabama's 67 counties. |
1987 | Keeler | James E. Keeler | For serving the people of Alabama by promoting understanding of the value of nongame wildlife resources. His efforts at his own expense since retirement in April 1981 have led to the successful completion of numerous projects directly benefitting nongame wildlife. |
1988 | Kimberly | Don B. Kimberly | For providing leadership in bringing Project Learning Tree (PLT) to Alabama in 1980. His eight years of active voluntary participation in PLT have led to thousands of teachers and students increasing their knowledge of the natural environment. |
2000 | King | Barnett King | N/A |
2000 | Lacefield | Jim Lacefield | Established a nature preserve on 320 acres of land for others to enjoy. He developed seven miles of mapped trails and invites organizations, classes, and individuals to hike and study there. He also gives programs on environmental and conservation related topics. |
2017 | Lacey | Jerry Lacey | Leadership of the Limited Resource Landowner Education Assistance Network (LRLEAN), an association of African American landowners in the Black Belt region of Alabama promoting sustainable forestry management which facilitated the connection of countless numbers of minority landowners to state and federal technical assistance programs so they can accomplish their natural resource management objectives. |
1982 | Lagarde | John B. Lagarde | For contributing his invaluable collection of animal exhibits to the Anniston Museum of Natural History. This collection of animal exhibits contributed significantly to making the museum a reality and substantially increased the understanding of the relationship of animals to their environment. |
1982 | Lancaster | Denny Lancaster | For organizing lay and professional conservation specialists to meet natural resources conservation needs following the aftermath of Hurricane Frederick. This organization of conservationists supported the Mobile County Youth Conservation Program which, in the first year alone, completed 21 conservation projects and involved 371 youths and adults. |
2007 | Lanier | Cam Lanier | One of the first participants in the Safe Harbor program to manage and protect red-cockaded woodpeckers as well as the use of conservation easements for the protection of the woodpeckers. As manager of the Sehoy Plantation in Bullock county he opened the property up to quail management research and lead the way to form a research partnership for quail research with other organizations and properties. |
2004 | Larsen & Nation | Harry Larsen & Fred Nation | For his commitment to forestry and natural resources education, especially as a volunteer at Weeks Bay Estuary where he continues to collect and identify botanical specimens. He is also recognized for his work at Turtle Point Educational Center, with the Master Gardeners of Baldwin County, and for his promotion of the Champion Tree Program. |
N/A | Lawler | Tommy Lawler | Dedicated is time, property, and effort to build an outdoor education center which has provided natural resources educational opportunities for many local school groups. He has consistently worked with state agencies to develop youth educational programs including Classroom-in-the-Forest and Project Learning Tree. He initiated an innovative program called "Class of 2021 Tree Project." |
1985 | Layson | Allen W. Layson | For his early advocacy of stream side management zones and small, irregularly shaped clearcuts. His lifelong dedication to these and other practices has led the general populace of Pickens County to an increased awareness of the value of their great natural heritage. |
1984 | Lee | Robert E. Lee III | For his noteworthy and exceptional leadership in forest resources management in Alabama. His involvement in forestry, wildlife, and environmental problems and issues has led to the betterment of Alabama's forest resources and resulted in enlightenment on numerous issues, problems, and opportunities. |
2004 | Link | Doug Link | For his outstanding efforts to sustain Alabamas natural resources through education. He has volunteered his time with 4-H, FAWN, the Teachers conservation Workshop, the Alabama Tree Farm Program, and the Sustainable Forestry Initiatives Landowner Education Committee. |
1993 | Loughride | Milton Loughride | For his leadership in the development and revision of Alabama's Best Management Practices (BMPs) for water quality. Mr. Loughridge also is commended for his efforts in educating the forestry community on the importance of these BMPs. |
1981 | Lowry & Adams | George Lowry & Bruce Adams | For exemplary action in suppressing a forest fire during off-duty hours. Their action led to saving logging equipment worth $200,000 from fire. |
1984 | Loyd | Keith Loyd | For developing an outstanding 4-H educational exhibit on the southern pine beetles. The exhibit has led to an increased awareness among youth and adults of the impact of pine beetles on the forest resources of Alabama. |
1993 | MacQuarrie | Janie Beale MacQuarrie | For her notable efforts in conservation education. Janie Beale MacQuarrie has been a model to other educators interested in non-traditional approaches to natural resource teaching programs. |
2011 | Martin | Jim Martin | Unwavering commitment and individual support to the creation, organization, and continued funding of Alabama's "Forever Wild" program. |
2009 | Matheson | Laverne Matheson | Outstanding efforts to clean up and conserve the water resources of Winston county while educating residents and local leaders about their unique natural resources. He led the effort to establish the Winston County Smith Lake Advocacy Group with a main focus on the education of residents and leaders about the importance of watershed health and hosted Alabama Water Watch training courses for volunteers. |
2003 | McCallister | Charles Jerry McCallister | For the cultivation of his property, Muleshoe Plantation and its use for education and conservation |
1994 | McCorvey | Sandy J. McCorvey | For demonstrating how marginal and erodible land can be transformed into productive forest and agricultural property. Although his farm has potential to generate significant personal economic rewards, Mr. McCorvey has allowed free access of the tract to local and regional community groups and organizations. |
1981 | McKeller | Milton McKeller | For his dedication to soil, water, and forestry conservation practices. The adoption of these practices and his personal encouragement to FFA members and others have resulted, directly and indirectly, in thousands of acres being planted to trees in Pike and surrounding counties. |
1985 | McKenzie | Alyce C. McKenzie | For establishing a native plant and wildflower area in Cheaha State Park. Her direct labor and leadership have resulted in the protection of a segment of the natural environment and allowed Alabama's citizens and others to enjoy the beauty of nature. |
1985 | McKinney | A. N. "Chess" McKinney | For advancing environmental education for getting the Alabama Senate to pass a "Save the Butterfly Day" Resolution in 1984. Her life-long dedication to telling the story of conservation to anyone who will listen has instilled in others a concern, love, and appreciation for our priceless heritage, the land. |
1981 | McMillan | Ed Leigh McMillan II | For support of forestry and wildlife research and application of research findings on lands under his management. Progressive and far sighted management practices have benefited thousands of local outdoor enthusiasts, have shown that good forestry and wildlife practices are compatible, and have resulted in quality pine timber management, especially longleaf pine. |
2004 | McQuinn | Jack McQuinn & Family | For creating a showcase for multiple use management, forestry, wildlife management and environmental education. They have made their land available for school and agency field trips thereby promoting and encouraging the practice of wise land stewardship by other private landowners. |
2004 | Meadowview | Meadowview Elementary School | For serving as an exemplary school for environmental education and as a demonstration site for other schools. Meadowview hosts an annual Earth Day Celebration attended by over 2,500 visitors and has been recognized as Alabamas first Project Learning Tree School. |
1985 | Michel | Nancy A. Michel | For keeping multiple-use forestry in the public eye in the wiregrass area of Alabama. Her many articles published in The Dothan Progress have helped Alabama citizens understand and appreciate the relationships among economic aesthetic, recreational, environmental, and human aspects of Southeast Alabama forests. |
1996 | Milligan | Melissa Milligan | Presented jointly with Janice Stewart for developing a model environmental education curriculum, Exploring the Forest, at the school of Discovery in Selma, Alabama which has been adopted by several state natural resource agencies and associations to use it as a basis for a teachers handbook. |
1993 | Milton | James L. Milton | For his pioneering efforts in establishing the Southeastern Regional Wildlife Rehabilitation Program at Auburn University in 1972. That program serves not only to educate veterinary and wildlife science students on wildlife rehabilitation techniques but also has an enormous conservation educational outreach component which stretches across the Southeastern United States. |
1995 | Moates | L. Martin Moates | For leadership in establishing the first Forestry Advisory Committee in Coffee County and in the State of Alabama. This Committee became the model which was duplicated in every county of the state and became known as Alabama County Forestry Planning Committees. |
1991 | Moses | Frank Moses | For establishing native plant gardens and promoting the planting of wildflowers and native plants. His efforts have helped hundreds of people in north Alabama become more knowledgeable about the beauty and benefits of native plants. |
1981 | Mount | Robert H. Mount | For creating an awareness among forest landowners and the general public about the distinctiveness of the Red Hills salamander as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and of modified forest management practices to protect this species. |
1996 | Mountainbrook | Mountain Brook Elementary School | For leadership in developing an innovative program, Stenciling Storm Drains, to teach and create environmental and water quality awareness among students and the general public in Birmingham about non-point source pollution. |
2004 | Munford | Munford Elementary School | For working to instill in the next generation a commitment to good stewardship of forest resources and for serving as a resource for students, teachers and visitors in Talladega County. This award recognizes the many organizations and individuals who worked to make this Forestry Theme school possible. |
2001 | Murchison | Dan Murchison | For outstanding leadership and strong personal effort in founding the Lake Mitchell Home Owners and Boat Owners Association (HOBO) and serving as a leader in other organizations that serve to protect the environment. |
2010 | Murphy | Harry Murphy | Established the Bradley-Murphy Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Trust to support educational activities that link natural resource owners with professionals. |
1981 | Murphy | Harry E. Murphy | For service and dedication to the people of Alabama through the development of its forest resources. With a keen eye for how and why things happen, his selfless service has catalyzed changes needed for aggressive forest regeneration and renewal of forest resources in Alabama and the South. |
1990 | Murphy | Sam | For a lifelong commitment to promoting the conservation, development, and wise use of Alabama's natural resources. His exemplary stewardship has benefitted thousands of Alabamians and established a natural resource legacy. |
1997 | Myers | Glenn Myers | For leadership in promoting off-road vehicle (ORV) use while preserving and maintaining our natural resources and the environment and in recognition of his many hours of volunteer work helping with trail maintenance and conducting educational seminars and talks on the Talladega National Forest-Talladega Ranger District. |
2004 | Nation & Larsen | Fred Nation & Harry Larsen | For his commitment to forestry and natural resources education, especially as a volunteer at Weeks Bay Estuary where he continues to collect and identify botanical specimens. He is also recognized for his work at Turtle Point Educational Center, with the Master Gardeners of Baldwin County, and for his promotion of the Champion Tree Program. |
1982 | Norton | Joseph D. Norton | For developing a non-lethal method of preventing deer damage in fruit and vegetable plantings. His research and the application of his findings have led to a practical solution for repelling deer and reducing their browsing of fruit and vegetable crops. |
1987 | Owen & Garland | Luther M, Owen & B.William Garland | For their exemplary activities in managing 46,000 acres of military lands on Fort McClellan. Their commitment to forest and wildlife conservation has led them to establish a multiple-use management program which maximizes the productivity of the land without compromising the military mission. |
2008 | Perez | Karni Perez | Served as a volunteer Education Coordinator at the Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve, volunteering countless hours on arranging and providing natural resource educational opportunities for youth and adults. She has been particularly helpful in outdoor school programs. She also volunteered in community recycling efforts including the preparation of a Home Recycling booklet. Other volunteer activities include work at the Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center at Auburn University and the Lee County Annual Water Festival. |
2001 | Pigg | Jesse Pigg | Formed the Alabama Public Lands Association along with others to raise money to lease the Lauderdale Wildlife Management Area to benefit public use. |
1999 | Ponder | Johnny Ponder | For promoting natural resource conservation in the Talladega area with both youth and adult groups by volunteering his time and land to teach these concepts. |
2017 | Purser | Robbie Purser | Steadfastly supporting and promoting sound forest stewardship as a certified Treasure Forest owner, serving three years as President of the Wilcox County Treasure Forest Association and several years as the Vice-President of Sunny South United, a civic organization to enhance and beautify the community. For over a decade she worked with the Wilcox County Natural Resources Council to conduct Forest in the Classroom for 5th graders of her community school of F.S. Ervin in Pine Hill and uses her Treasure Forest property to educate these students of the value of Alabamas natural resources. |
1984 | Randolph | The Randolph Leader | For showing an unexcelled awareness of the need by the general public for natural resources and environmental information. The Randolph Leader has given credibility to the need for forest, wildlife, natural resources, and environmental management throughout the east-central area of Alabama. |
1994 | Ray | James E. Ray | For catalyzing multiple resource development throughout all of Alabama's counties. By taking leadership roles in many conservation organizations on the local and state level Mr. Ray has been instrumental in natural resource planning and rural development activities for over 22 years. |
1988 | Real | B. A. Real | For unselfishly and cooperatively working to promote and ensure the success of the Alabama Resources Conservation Program. Through the ACRP, his leadership and personal dedication have led to the application of soil conservation, water quality, and reforestation improvement practices on thousands of acres across Alabama. |
1990 | Rittenour | Charles W. Rittenour Jr. | For his many years of dedicated volunteer service to soil and water conservation organizations. His unselfish and significant contributions have led to improved protection and use of the soil and water resources of Alabama. |
1990 | Rocky | Rocky Creek Logging Company | For developing a method of thinning planted pines that is both socially responsible and environmentally sound. The company's safety record, efficiency, and educational work through demonstrations have established the operation as a model for the state and region. |
1993 | Sanders | Marion J. Sanders | For dedicated volunteer service leading to the protection and improvement of our state's natural resources. By taking a leadership role in Alabama's State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, Mr. Sanders helped establish new soil and water conservation cost share programs and funding for county Soil and Water Conservation Districts. |
1984 | Sandretto | Raynold P. Sandretto | For promoting forestry and wildlife to a degree that substantially exceeds what an employer normally requires. His self-acquired knowledge and appreciation of the environment have led to a significant contribution to the wise use of forest and wildlife resources, both directly and through others. |
1998 | Sargent | Robert & Martha Sargent | For developing a model research and educational program on neo-tropical birds using hummingbirds as a focus species. |
1985 | Sayers & Seifried Advertising Agency | Martin Sayers & Seifried Advertising Agency | For their volunteer services in developing a complete publicity campaign for Alabama's TREASURE Forest program and their enthusiastic belief in the TREASURE Forest concept. Their dedication to developing Alabama's forest resource has and will lead to Alabamians being made more aware of forestry's tremendous impact and contribution to the state. |
2007 | Scott | Jim Scott | Development of technology for wildlife pest control, promotion of wildflower, forestry, and stream management demonstrations, host of many Master Garden field trips and coordination with other Extension meetings and presentations, promotion and presentations on creative original landscape designs. |
1981 | Sellers | Aaron Sellers | For being the first black landowner in Bullock County, Alabama, to participate in the Forestry Incentives Program. His testament about tangible results of reforestation, forest management, and timber marketing has motivated many landowners, both black and white, to begin practicing forest management on their property. |
1982 | Semmens | Kenneth J. Semmens | For initiating modifications of hatchery techniques for the paddlefish, or spoonbill catfish. His observations and work are expected to lead to a broader application and reintroduction of this native fish into Alabama waters and provide Alabama with a management technique for one of its valuable natural resources. |
1988 | Shaw | Albert A. Shaw | For 30 years of dedication to forestry and wildlife education and development. His volunteer efforts and community-mindedness have led his neighbors to an increased awareness of multiple-use forest management. |
1988 | Sims | Herbert Sims | For volunteer efforts in hosting community forest demonstrations, organizing Farm Bureau county forestry committees, and speaking out on state and national issues. His contributions have led to an improved forest and natural resource environment in Alabama. |
1980 | Smith | Lambert L. Smith | For greatly increasing the public's awareness of forestry in Alabama through the development of nature trails and beautification of fire tower sites. Use of nature trails by the general public led to a heightened interest and awareness of the social and economic benefits of Alabama's forests. |
2001 | Smith | Mary Lou Smith | For outstanding leadership and strong personal effort in serving as an advocate for Chewacla Creek, Chewacla State Park, and on other watersheds in the area and serving as a leader in other organizations that serve to protect the environment. |
2011 | Smith | Riley Boykin Smith | Progressive landowner involved in a number of innovative property management improvements including the provision of free public hunting, and development of university-level natural education programs. |
2008 | Smitherman | Oneal Smitherman | Exemplary dedication to the identification, location, preservation, establishment, and propagation of native azaleas in Alabama and their free distribution to local public schools for landscaping and educational purposes. |
1985 | Snell & Hughes | Frances Snell & Nellie Hughes | For developing the "Hill 'n Dale Nature Trail," for producing a collection of color slides of wildflowers of southeastern Alabama, and for presenting programs in classrooms from kindergarten through junior college. Their efforts have filled a void in the science education programs of Dale and surrounding counties and allowed students to learn about and enjoy nature to the same extent that they themselves did as youngsters. |
1999 | Snow | Phil Snow | For highlighting conservation issues by using his nightly sports show on WSFA-TV to inform public on birding events occurring across the state. |
1983 | Speake | Daniel W. Speake | For his long-term interest in the eastern indigo snake and the ecology of the sandhill ecosystem. His concern and commitment led to the indigo snake being officially recognized as a threatened species by the U.S. Department of Interior, increased research into the sandhill ecosystem, and increased protection for other animals associated with the sandhill habitat. |
1981 | Stamps | Hammie Stamps | For compiling the booklet, "Wildflower Conservation List for Alabama." Her dedication to conservation has inspired both young and old and educated them about the joy and value of wisely using our natural resources. |
1996 | Stewart | Janice Stewart | Presented jointly with Melissa Milligan for developing a model environmental education curriculum, Exploring the Forest, at the school of Discovery in Selma, Alabama which has been adopted by several state natural resource agencies and associations to use it as a basis for a teachers handbook. |
1994 | Stimpson | Fred T. Stimpson III | For lifelong contributions to Alabama's forest and wildlife resources. By taking leadership roles in conservation organizations like the Alabama Wildlife Federation, the Riverbottom Landowners' Association, and what was to become the Coastal Land Trust, Mr. Stimpson has done much to further the causes of forestry and wildlife in the state. |
2017 | Stuckey | Major Lee Stuckey | Promoting sound forest stewardship and using his natural resources for the betterment of our communities by using his 100ac property as the catalyst for the creation of his AHERO Foundation which provides therapeutic outdoor events and social activities for soldiers to help heal the physical and psychological wounds of war and military service. |
2016 | Sudduth | John & Mary Sudduth | Offered their farm as a location for field tours, youth education, and demonstration activities and serving as leaders in the establishment and promotion of silvopasture techniques for pine and cattle production. They have regularly volunteered their time and resources to numerous committees and organizations dedicated to natural resources stewardship including active participation and support for the Winston County Natural Resources Council and their programs in logger training, landowner education, and the demonstration of sound land stewardship. |
1989 | Sumrall | Patsy Sumrall | For taking a personal interest in eliminating roadway litter and illegal dumping. Her efforts have helped make Marengo County and its forest land a beautiful place to live and work. |
1980 | Sutton | Goodloe Sutton | For a personal interest in educating forest landowners through The Democrat- Reporter. Years of writing and publishing information on forestry and wildlife have aided citizens of Marengo and surrounding counties to better understand how to develop, protect, and use their forest resources wisely. |
1985 | Tanner | Cecil Tanner | For exemplary management of his forest and for voluntary efforts in forest fire prevention which have led to a noticeable reduction of forest fires in areas of Mobile County. He has instilled in others a higher respect for the forest resource. |
2005 | Taylor | Virginia Taylor | For her work as a dedicated and dynamic volunteer with the Tree Farm Program, the TREASURE Forest Program, and as a Classroom in the Forest volunteer. She has reached the highest level she can attain in the Forest Masters program. She serves as a Forest Mentor and has helped countless other women manage their forestlands. |
1989 | Thigpen | Morris L. Thigpen Sr. | For implementing an aggressive program for litter clean up along Alabama's public highways and public boat access areas through use of cooperative agreements with Alabama's Highway Department and Conservation and Natural Resources Department. His establishing a high priority on the environment for the use of inmate labor has resulted in Alabama highways and boating access areas taking on a new look, supporting the Alabama The Beautiful slogan. |
1984 | Thompson | June Thompson | For developing an authentic wildflower trail for use by the general public on city property in Florence, Alabama, in 1984. |
2004 | Thrasher | David Thrasher | A passionate provider of youth dove hunt opportunities, exemplary land management and the promotion of outdoor education events, past president of the Alabama Wildlife Federation, and a certified TREASURE forest owner. |
2000 | Turner | Louise Turner | Manages The Forest Ecology Preserve, which she and her late husband donated to Auburn University. Dr. Turner has developed trails, programs, classes, etc. and is turning it into a community resource and environmental learning center. |
2004 | Turnipseed | June & Tommy Turnipseed | For their dedicated promotion and education of the public about proper forestry and wildlife management stewardship. |
2000 | Tutt | Dave Barr Tutt | For taking several run-down pieces of property and renovating them into environmentally positive tracts of land and a haven for wildlife. |
1990 | Vansant | Bobby G. Vansant | For outstanding community leadership in litter prevention, beautification, tree planting, water quality, and bluebird preservation. His active role in community environmental improvement has set a positive example that fellow residents have followed. |
1989 | Wakefield | Mary Emma Wakefield | For her diverse interests and volunteer efforts in teaching youths and adults about the natural environment. Her love for nature has effectively and lastingly stimulated others to adopt the same love. |
1993 | Walls | Col. Jack Walls | For allowing Coosa County 4-H Youth Environmental Education programs to use 46 acres of his land. Alabama's first 4-H Wildlife Refuge on that property has served as a model for other programs in Alabama and other states. |
1983 | Walters | Darwin Webber Walters | For outstanding accomplishment in the field of wildlife law enforcement beyond the call of duty and for his contribution to the overall wildlife program in the state of Alabama. His dedication and hard work led to the detecting of a serious interstate problem dealing with illegal sale of deer, organizing of an undercover organization to gather evidence, implementing arrests, and securing of convictions of 21 persons. |
2017 | Walker | Max Walker | Leadership and support roles in the Crenshaw County TREASURE Forest Chapter, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Forestry Planning Committees, and making significant contributions to educate forest landowners of the value of proper forest and natural resource management combined with a passion for youth activities that not only educate youth about our natural resources but also develop leadership skills. |
1981 | Warr | Walter Warr | For his understanding and meticulous implementation of multiple-use practices on his and his neighbors' forest land. His exemplary action, enthusiasm, and love for the land have led others to adopt similar practices and better understand their relationship to the land. |
1996 | Waters | Robert Waters | For outstanding contributions and lifelong leadership in the field of wildlife management in Alabama and the southeast United States and his appreciation and dedication to sound land use principles and conservation ethics. |
1984 | Watkins | Ed Watkins | For work with numerous organizations and agencies in providing news coverage for all aspects of natural resources. His thousands of stories and timely pictures on natural resources topics during his 35-year career with The Tuscaloosa News have informed readers in the west Alabama area about happenings in the natural resources field and greatly stimulated in interest of youngsters and adults in proper natural resources management. |
1992 | Weaver | Celeste Weaver | For creating and implementing a variety of environmental activities for Hanceville Elementary School students. Through her enthusiasm and extra work, she is creating a legacy of environmental teaching and awareness on the part of her students. |
1992 | Webb | David H. Webb | For developing a lesson plan and teaching winter botany to elementary school students in North America. His volunteer efforts and example have led to a keen awareness on the part of his students about both science and the environment. |
2013 | Webber | E. Cliff Webber | Active member of Save Our Saugahatchee, a nonprofit volunteer monitoring and environmental stewardship group, where he has served as a volunteer water quality monitor, board member, and president. He worked tirelessly with City of Auburn officials in drafting Auburn's original Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance as well as with state legislators in working toward state water management and policy. He also worked with industry in the development of a Safe Harbor Agreement for the protection of Chewacla Creek |
1988 | Weber | Charles Weber | For his dedication to and promotion of urban forestry in Alabama. His extraordinary efforts beyond the scope of his job have resulted in a greater understanding by others of the value of urban forests and improved care of city trees throughout Alabama. |
1991 | Weber | Susan F. Weber | For voluntary work in the areas of environmental education and land conservation. Her efforts in cooperation with others have resulted in the establishment of the Huntsville Land Trust, which has acquired more than 1,000 acres of unique natural areas in North Alabama. |
1987 | White | Gordon White | For his long-term and active membership in the Alabama Wildflower Society, which seeks to encourage the propagation and perpetuation of native Alabama plants. His educational efforts have helped resource managers and the general public understand how forestry activities relate to plant and wildlife ecology. |
1991 | Williams | J. F. Williams | For his leadership and voluntary efforts in educating people about wildlife and environmental resources. His lifelong dedication has resulted in improved wildlife habitat in Alabama and Alabamians being more conscious of their responsibilities as conservationists. |
1991 | Williams | Thomas R. Williams | For his contributions to the Eagle Awareness and Restoration Program. His active role in this program, only one of his many conscientious efforts, has introduced hundreds of people to the natural environment. |
1989 | Wilson | Thomas H. Wilson | For his voluntary efforts to educate people about our forests, fresh water, and environmental resources. His determination has resulted in an increased awareness by Alabamians of the importance of these resources to their lives. |
1991 | Wood | George W. Wood Jr. | For his contributions to the education of Alabama citizens about the importance of native plants. Sharing his vast knowledge of native plants has contributed significantly not only to their protection but also their use in landscaping. |
2019 | Wood | Stan & Suzanne Wood | Tireless support and hosting of natural resource educational programs such as numerous field day events, demonstrations, county and regional forestry events, and professional logging manager trainings to educate and encourage countless numbers of landowners to take an active role in forest management on their own property. |
1980 | Yamaguchi | Shogo Yamaguchi | For adopting a pragmatic approach to improving the forest environment. Selfless service led to the establishment and development of eight miles of nature trails through diverse forest habitats in the Tuskegee National Forest for the benefit of citizens in Macon, Lee, and surrounding counties. |