Research Events
The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment routinely hosts conferences, research symposia, meetings, seminars and other activities for faculty, students and professionals to share their work and learn about best practices, current research, and other developments impacting their respective fields or areas of study. These events provide valuable opportunities for scientists to present their research, build their professional networks and share knowledge within Auburn University’s scientific community and beyond.
CFWE Seminar Series
The CFWE hosts a seminar series each week of the spring and fall semesters where guest speakers are invited to present topics related to our research and degree areas. The series is held during the spring and fall semesters with seminars offered each Wednesday from 11 am – 12 pm. Refreshments are provided and CFEs are available. Preregistration is not required.
Weaver Lecture Series
The Weaver Lecture Series was established in May of 1996 through an endowment provided by Earl H. and Sandra H. Weaver. The series aims to bring individuals with forestry, wildlife and natural resources expertise to the Auburn University campus to enhance the college’s academic programs through public lectures and interaction with faculty and students.
Emmett & ViAnn Thompson Lecture in Forest Economics and Policy
Established by the college’s founding dean, Emmett F. Thompson, and his wife, ViAnn, the Emmett & ViAnn Thompson Lectures in Forest Economics and Policy series aims to enrich the college’s academic programs with invited speakers of national and international acclaim who possess expertise in forestry and natural resources, with a focus on markets, economics, and policy. Speakers for this series ideally encompass individuals with academic expertise and practitioners with a background and/or experience in forest economics, forest markets, forest policy and global trade. As part of the multi-day event, opportunities for networking and discussion will foster speaker engagement and knowledge transfer among professionals, faculty, staff and students.
International Conference on Forest Carbon & Resilience
The Auburn University International Conference on Forest Carbon & Resilience taking place Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2025, will be a venue for faculty, students, and professionals to expand their knowledge within the areas of forest-based carbon and resilience, the role of forests and forest products in carbon storage and sequestration, and the resistance, adaptation and resilience of forests in changing environments.
For more information about these programs and other upcoming activities, visit the CFWE events calendar.