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War Eagle Woods

Donations of land are among the most precious gifts a donor can provide Auburn University. Land is at the core of what we teach at the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment often holds tremendous personal significance. When you make a gift of land to Auburn University as a part of the War Eagle Woods, we have the ability to manage your property under sound principle of sustainability and good stewardship.

Properties to Consider Donating

• Highly appreciated properties

• Investment properties

• Unused properties

• Legacy family farm or ranch

With the variety of giving options available, this land can not only provide tax benefits to you, but can also benefit your family and the Auburn Family for years to come. A gift of land can provide you with tax benefits such as deductions or reduced capital gains or estate taxes; a relief from the burden of maintaining the property; freedom from the hassle and fees of selling; and depending on the type of gift you choose, it can also yield lifetime payments for you.

Land Gives Gifts in Perpetuity

There are many different ways your gift of land can be stewarded for the most benefit to the environment and Auburn University. Clinton McClure and Louise Kreher Turner are two past donors whose gifts provide ongoing benefits to the Auburn Family.

The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment integrates all aspects of our teaching, research, and outreach mission into management of the War Eagle Woods. In this way, your gift would increase hands-on learning opportunities for our students and keep our faculty and students grounded in the practical aspects of managing land for timber, wildlife, water quality, and other natural resources. Revenue from working forests will be used to support the university’s mission in the ways that you designate. Signage placed on the land recognizing your donation will permanently honor your legacy of support. You can be confident that we will be good stewards of your property.

Contact the Office of Development for information about donating a gift of land.

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