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Daowei Zhang

Daowei Zhang

Assoc. Dean of Research, Alumni and George W. Peake Professor, Forest Economics

Office: 3301B

Faculty Website:
For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., South-Central Forestry University (China), 1984, Forest Science
M.S., Beijing Forestry University, 1989, Forest Economics
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1994, Forest Economics and Policy

Expertise: Zhang is an expert in the areas of forest management, trade, investment and finance, economic development, and international forestry.
Teaching Responsibilities: Forest Policy, Natural Resource Policy, Forest Economics, Forest Sector Economics, Advanced Forest Economics, Advanced Forest Policy.
Research Interests: Economic and policy aspects of natural resource management: Property rights, environmental regulations, institutional economics, political economy, private forest management, forest products trade, land use, forest-based economic development, forest investment and finance, and international forestry

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