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Online Master of Forest Business
& Investment Degree


Auburn University’s new Forest Business and Investment Master of Science degree (FBI) is the first online business degree created to serve the unique needs of the forest industry, one of the largest industries in Alabama and the country, and a significant component of the national and global economy.

Recent business reports suggest most segments of the forest industry are poised for continual growth well into the next decade.  Due to the complexities of this resource industry, forest businesses require a workforce skilled in both forestry technical skills, business techniques, and financial decision-making to maximize their return to investors.

Collaboratively taught with Auburn University’s Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, this non-thesis master’s program enables non-traditional students in Alabama and beyond to conveniently acquire these specialized skills from a top-ranking university with minimal disruption to their home life and current employment.

The FBI program builds upon a student’s forestry knowledge while providing expertise in business, finance, and investments specific to the forest industry. Students who lack significant forestry knowledge will also gain forest industry-specific skills through a blended curriculum.

The degree requires 31 credit hours, 16 to 19 from the degree core and an additional 12 to 15 elective credit hours chosen from curricula such as finance, business administration, supply chain management, accounting, and agricultural economics.

While earning their degree, students can also advance their careers with a professional graduate certificate in forest finance and investment or supply chain management with a combination of four of the required supply chain and business courses.

Quick Facts

  • Non-thesis (no research, courses only)
  • Convenient, online courses
  • 31 credit hours required
  • No GRE required
  • Learn from expert faculty and industry leaders
  • Enrollment open spring and fall!

Application Requirements

  • Request information about our online programs
  • Before applying, please contact to discuss your area of interest
  • Apply easily online at
  • Official undergraduate transcripts
  • 2.75 GPA – exceptions considered with sufficient reasoning
  • Resume and three letters of recommendation
  • Letter of intent


To participate in the online Master of Forest Business and Investment degree program, students must apply to the Auburn University Graduate School.   Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not required.

Entrance to the program and AU Graduate School requires a 2.75 GPA.  However, exceptions can be made if sufficient justification for the exception is provided to the CFWE Graduate Program Office.

Applicants are required to submit the online application to be admitted as a non-degree student, pay the online application fee ($60 or $70 domestic vs. international respectively) and submit transcripts for the highest degree they currently hold. International applicants must also submit an English proficiency score.

Students may enroll twice per year to begin their coursework in the spring or fall semesters. All application materials must be received no later than 45 days before the first day of class of the semester. For deadlines and other details, visit


The degree requires 31 credit hours of graduate coursework. For the most up-to-date information concerning tuition and fees, please contact Drs. Adam Maggard or Jessica Daniel.


Of the 31 credit hours, a minimum of 16 hours must be from the Degree Program Core.  If students do not have a sound forestry background, they must take FORY 7320. The remaining 12 – 15 credits for the degree can be chosen from the supporting electives based on student interest.

Degree Program Core: 16 – 19 credits of core courses are required.  All core courses are offered online. The Assembly and Capstone course will be online except for an end of the semester multi-day meeting in-person in Auburn, Alabama. Students without a forestry background are required to complete FORY 7320. Consult course schedule or check with instructor for availability.

Course NumberCourse NameCredit Hours
FORY 7320Forest Growth, Silviculture, and Management3
FORY 7400Forest Valuation and Economics3
FORY 7650Forest Operations and Wood Supply Chain Management3
FORY 7620Forest Finance, Accounting and Taxation3
BUSI 7110Financial Analysis*3
FORY7350Forest Statistics3
FORY7300Assembly and Capstone1

* Non-CFWE course: for BUSI, FINC, SCMN courses, please contact Mrs. April Hurley, Graduate Student Services Coordinator, Harbert College of Business at

Supporting Electives: 12 -15 credits are required or any 4 – 5 courses included in the table below. All courses are offered online. Consult course schedule or check with instructor for availability.

Course NumberCourse NameCredit Hours
FINC 6250 Real Estate Finance
(BUSI 7110 is prerequisite)
FINC 6260 Real Estate Investment
(BUSI 7110 is prerequisite)
FINC 7640Advanced Investments
(BUSI 7110 is prerequisite)
Business Administration:
BUSI 7120Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions3
BUSI 7130Strategic Analysis and Competitive Environment3
BUSI 7140Organizational Leadership, Ethics and Change3
BUSI 7150Operational Excellence Through Supply Chain & Quality Management3
BUSI 7230Cost Analysis and Systems3
BUSI 7250International Business Operations3
Supply Chain Management:
Supply Chain Management Innovation *
SCMN 7600 *Supply Management and Manufacturing3
SCMN 7700 *Demand Management and Fulfillment3
SCMN 7800 *Supply Chain Strategy3
Supply Chain Planning *
SCMN 6600Supply Chain Planning3
SCMN 6720Quality and Process Improvement3
BUSI 7120Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions3
Supply Chain Operations *
SCMN 6500Inventory and Warehouse Management3
SCMN 6720Quality and Process Improvement3
ISMN 6390Integrating Business Processes with ERP3
Other Supply Chain Courses
SCMN 7770Supply Chain Management3
ACCT 6700Advanced Business (Accounting) Law3
Agriculture Economics:
AGEC 6010Farm Management3

* BUSI 7150 is required for SCMN 7600, 7700, and 7800 and the three Supply Chain Management curriculum areas to earn a graduate certificate within one of the respective areas. Contact Dr. Jessica Daniel for more information.

Need help getting started?

For guidance regarding curriculum choices, admissions policies, and deadlines, please contact Dr. Jessica Daniel at or (334) 844-1077 or submit a request for information about our online programs.

Specific questions concerning the Forest Business and Investment degree and courses can be addressed to Dr. Adam Maggard at (334) 844-2401.

Request More Information

Forestry and non-forestry professionals can now acquire and/or build upon their forestry knowledge while gaining valuable expertise in forest resource-related business, finance, and investment. The first online business degree unique to the forest industry, this non-thesis master’s program enables working professionals to advance their careers through graduate education while maintaining their home life and current employment.

Request Information Packet
Carter Crosby

Carter Crosby

FBI Alum and Land Management Specialist, New Orleans, LA

“I’m grateful that it is working out in the way I hoped; this knowledge is allowing me to step up and take on more management-type roles and be involved with more what I call front office decisions that before were outside of my reach.”

Marc Walley

Marc Walley

President and CEO, Forest Investments Associates, Atlanta, GA

“More and more of our work is oriented toward understanding and using information to make better decisions and be better managers. Data analytics, financial and investment analysis continue to be areas we need to improve. I think this program will have a huge impact on developing these technical skills.”

Dr. Jessica Daniel

Jessica Daniel

Online Programs, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

“The degree is flexible and customizable to the student’s pace and interests with whatever they have going on outside of school. We know that most of these students are full-time professionals, and they need that flexibility.”

James Parrish

Jim Parrish

Executive Director of Graduate Business Programs, Auburn’s Harbert College of Business

“We have a Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Planning, Supply Chain Operations, and Supply Chain Innovation. That’s an additional credential that these students can earn. So, when they leave Auburn, they have both the master’s degree and their graduate certificate.”

Dr, Adam Maggard

Adam Maggard

Faculty Advisor, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

“This degree provides students with an understanding of the forestry-based skills and applications and the business skills needed to function effectively in the forest business and investment sector.”

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