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Student Spotlight: Lenora Lee

By August 29, 2024No Comments
Lenora Lee sporting her Tiger Eye Flag Line uniform on Auburn's Campus

Lenora Lee

As the first Auburn Football kickoff of the 2024 season draws near, the Auburn University College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment (CFWE)  recognizes one of its own shining stars on the field.

Auburn University Marching Band (AUMB) Tiger Eyes Flag Line member, Lenora Lee is an admirer of the outdoor world and knew from the start of her academic career that she wanted to follow her passions working with nature and animals. Lee is currently a senior in the Wildlife Sciences Pre-Veterinary Medicine program where she gets to learn and work with an increasingly diverse population of wildlife.

“I was positive that I wanted to work with animals and be a pre-vet major, but I specifically was drawn to the wildlife major because it expanded into my horizons of wildlife species, ecology, and the research field,” Lee said. “Alabama has incredible biodiversity, and this makes my major so educational because there are so many opportunities to be hands-on with your future career.”

Applying real-world learning in a fun and engaging academic environment is something that Lee says she enjoys about her major within the CFWE. It is this form of learning that is preparing Lee for her career goals.

“I love how involved the lectures are with what you are learning,” Lee said. “Most of my memories in my major are being outside in lab taking local data or listening to a professor explain a concept in a real-world situation. This major will prepare you for scenarios that you will encounter in your future career.”

When Lee is not in an outdoor lab collecting data or performing with the Tiger Eyes Flag Line at football games, she’s dedicated to her studies and participating in student organizations such as the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) .

“I participate in PVMA, the Wildlife Society, and honored to be a Tiger Eye on the flag line in the AUMB,” Lee said. “Nothing is more fun than spinning the Auburn flag with your sisters every day, and better yet, in Jordan-Hare Stadium. Being in the AUMB has been one of the greatest highlights of my time at Auburn, and I will remember these memories for the rest of my life. I am humbled to be a part of one of the greatest traditions at the heart of Auburn and to be an ambassador, not only for our current study body, but to all the little future Auburn Tigers.”

Along the journey, Lee’s mentors have made an impact that has shaped her career at Auburn. She attributes her successes at the CFWE to Ginger Donaldson, director and academic advisor in the CFWE Office of Student Services.

“My advisor, Mrs. Donaldson, has been such an amazing guide for me,” Lee said. “She has been with me every step of the way, and even if I was unsure of my plan for that year, she always helped me make one. She made my experience within the CFWE so personable and I knew I could aways receive help if I needed it.”

Lee also shares her advice for prospective and current students, encouraging others to get outside of their comfort zone.

“Don’t be afraid to dip your toe in being involved,” Lee said. “It is unbelievably important, and it will seem daunting at first, but there is a community for everyone at Auburn. Even saying hi to the person that sits next to you in class or getting lunch with the roommates you have never met can form the best friendships you will have in college. Always stay ahead of the game, and you will pass the finish line first.”

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