Through the generosity of SFWS alumni and friends, nearly 20 awards were given to students totaling over $20,000. Student award recipients included:
- Annual Academic Improvement Award presented by Dr. Jim Shepard to Logan Bailey
- Weyerhaeuser Forest Economics Award presented by Weyerhaeuser Harvest and Transportation Manager for the Piedmont Region, Brad Murfee ’04, to Kyle Malone
- Association of Consulting Foresters Senior Leadership Award presented by Alexander McCall ’93, executive vice president of Larson and McGowin LLC, to Andrew Burns
- Alabama Division, Southeastern Society of American Foresters Leadership Travel Award presented by Chair Elect, Clint Mancil, to Zachary Slay
- Alabama Forest Owners Association Award presented by AFOA President, Ben Black, to Zachary Slay and Andrew Metzeler
- Alabama Division, Society of American Foresters Junior Leadership Award presented by Dr. Edward Loewenstein to Christopher Hays
- William Allen Carey Memorial Award in Forest Pathology presented by Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Scott Enebak, to Christopher Turner
- Armistead and Woody Family Military Service Award presented by Gordon Armistead ’74 and LTC Leonard “Chip” Woody ’74 to Alisia Diamond
- F & W Forestry Services Incorporated Rising Senior Award presented by TR Clark to Kiel Sweatt and John Cooper
- James R. Taylor Endowed Scholarship Award presented by Dr. Tom Gallagher to Reece Ousley
- Summer Practicum Endowed Scholarship also presented by Dr. Tom Gallagher to Daniel Bowman
- The Alabama Wildlife Federation Robert G. Wehle Non-Game Management Annual Award presented by Past President of the Alabama Wildlife Federation, Frank Boyd, to Kirsten Rice
- The Alabama Wildlife Federation David K. Nelson Game Management Award also presented by Frank Boyd to Seth Rankins
- Alabama Chapter of the Wildlife Society Student Leadership Award presented by Assistant Chief of Wildlife Research, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Amy Silvano, to Shannon Lambert
- Westervelt Rising Senior Award in Wildlife presented by Westervelt Associate Biologist, Rachel Conley ’15, to Alisia Diamond
- Research Open House Poster Awards presented by Association Dean of Research, Dr. Graeme Lockaby, to the following: 4th place winners, Anna Tucker, Ellary Tucker Williams, and Michael Ramirez; 3rd place winner, John Lancaster; 2nd place winner, Shelby Zikeli; 1st place winners, Jennifer Price Tack and John Draper
- Student Government Association Outstanding Student Award also presented by Dr. Scott Enebak to Marisa Pierluisi
- President’s Award presented by Dean Janaki Alavalapati to Chara Wood
- Forestry Club Outstanding Member awarded to Zachary Slay
- Forestry Club Outstanding Forestry Faculty awarded to Dr. Tom Gallagher
- Wildlife Society Outstanding Student Member awarded to Seth Rankins
- Wildlife Society Outstanding Wildlife Faculty awarded to Dr. Sarah Zohdy
A number of SFWS faculty and staff were recognized for their outstanding efforts in the classroom, laboratory, advising and outreach last year.
- SGA Honors Ceremony Outstanding Faculty Award presented to Dr. Becky Barlow
- Harry Murphy Faculty Award for Undergraduate Advising presented to Dr. Mark Smith
- Harold E. Christen Award for Service to Teaching presented to Dr. Chris Lepczyk
- Harry Murphy Faculty Research Award presented to Dr. Lisa Samuelson
- Harry Murphy Faculty Outreach Award presented to Dr. Mark Smith
- Harry Murphy Outstanding Staff Award presented to Paula Davis
SFWS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Scott Enebak, echoed the sentiments of the faculty and staff, “We are extremely proud of our students’ hard work and commitment to their studies, as well as their leadership preparation for future careers in natural resources, wildlife and forestry.”
Many SFWS donors, alumni and friends attended the awards banquet to personally meet and present their awards to recipients, including Gordon Armistead ’74 and LTC Leonard “Chip” Woody ’74, who presented the Armistead and Woody Family Military Service Award. Also in attendance was Larson and McGowin LLC, Executive Vice President, Alexander McCall ‘93, who attended the banquet for the first time this year to present the Association of Consulting Foresters Senior Leadership Award.
Student awards are distributed annually and selected based on criteria outlined within the established funding agreements. Nominations for outstanding alumni are requested from the SFWS alumni and faculty throughout the year with final selection by the Alumni Awards Committee.
For more information about SFWS awards or to create a new award in the School, contact SFWS Office of Development at or via phone at 334-844-1983.