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SFWS to host third annual career fair on Nov. 29

By October 19, 2017October 30th, 2017No Comments

Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences will host its third annual career fair on Nov. 29 in Auburn, Alabama.

Natural resources-based employers are invited to meet, engage, and recruit leading job candidates in the areas of forestry, wildlife, natural resources management, geospatial and environmental informatics and other related fields.

This recruiting event was created to offer School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, or SFWS, students the opportunity to learn about potential careers, network with professionals, and apply or interview with companies for potential jobs and internships within their degree areas.

The career fair will take place in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences conference hall on Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the SFWS Building located at 602 Duncan Drive in Auburn.

On Nov. 28 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., SFWS will host a “soft skills” work shop for students which will feature guest panelists representing various types of organizations including private industry, nongovernmental organizations and public agencies focused on the forestry, wildlife and natural resources fields.

According to a survey, 9 out of 10 employers believe that “soft skills” are increasingly important in the workplace.

The workshop is intended to help students develop professional and interpersonal skills such as communication, team work, conflict resolution, work ethic and personal attributes of integrity, empathy, adaptability, and emotional intelligence; which are often noted as crucial for career success.

“It is important, that in addition to the classroom and experiential learning we provide, that we help our students develop communication skills and character traits that will help them to be valued employees and effective leaders,” said SFWS Dean Janaki Alavalapati.

Employers are invited to register for the career fair before Nov. 10 through the Auburn University’s Handshake student career services website.  Handshake is a free online resource students can use to find part-time jobs and internships available both on and off-campus.

Registration is $100 and includes a five-foot table and two chairs.  Employers are invited to display their company signage and distribute collateral material. Onsite interviews with students can also be facilitated within the SFWS building on an as-needed basis or pre-arranged through the Handshake website.

To learn more about registering your company or organization, contact or you may register online at

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