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Five Star Preserve establishes the first annual scholarship for Wildlife Enterprise Management students

By July 13, 2019September 10th, 2021No Comments

Alabama’s Five Star Preserve has established the first annual scholarship in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences for students who are pursuing the new multidisciplinary degree, Wildlife Enterprise Management.

“We at Five Star Preserve are grateful to Auburn University for having given us this true privilege to contribute to such an innovative, 4-year degree,” said Harry Pasisis, general manager of Five Star Preserve.

Approved in 2018, students in the new degree program will take courses in wildlife management, hotel and restaurant management, accounting and marketing, to name a few. In addition to earning the new bachelor’s degree, students will earn a minor in business.

Five Star is a six thousand acre, private upland hunting preserve, nestled in between the Appalachian Mountains to the north, and the Southern Coastal Plains to the south in Coosa County, Alabama.

The scholarship was born from one of Five Star’s core principals to expose youth to wildlife conservation and education.

“Establishing the first Annual Wildlife Enterprise Management Scholarship in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences has not only inspired us, for we have always believed in higher education, but it has also motivated us because this new educational opportunity is truly filling a void in a rapidly growing business model,” said Pasisis.

Pasisis believes when passion for conservation efforts and wildlife management are coupled with a vibrant business model that attracts and retains clients, it becomes a greater force that will enable landowners, directors, and managers to make better business decisions.

“It is this business longevity that will be crucial to sustain the ongoing conservation efforts for the future,” said Pasisis. “We know this program, driven by noble conservation efforts, will lead its graduates to become a force of leadership in the outdoors industry.”

Five Star Preserve was first settled by SZ Mitchell, who was one of the wealthiest men of the industrial age and one of the country’s most successful entrepreneurs. Mitchell built the Ann Jordan Lodge on the property in the mid 1930’s, where he would hunt and entertain with his family, childhood friends, and acquaintances from around the globe.

Today, Five Star is one of the country’s most prestigious upland hunting clubs, offering 14 bird fields, two continental courses, bunker shoot, duck shoot, turkey and deer hunting. Sporting facilities include kennels, stables and clay shooting, as well as the Ann Jordan Lake, which is managed for trophy bass fishing. Five Star also boasts overnight lodging accommodations for up to 30 guests, including gardens, orchards, two dining rooms, and a private wine cellar.

“The SFWS is delighted that Five Star Preserve has invested in this new program,” said Heather Crozier, director of development in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. “This support will assist in recruiting and recognizing high achieving students in this newly established major.”

Wildlife Enterprise Management students will be considered for the scholarship as part of the enrollment process.  For more information about the degree, visit or email

Originally published in the SFWS Summer 2019 Newsletter.

(Written by Jamie Anderson)

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