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faculty discuss poster presentation with students

Faculty Support

Auburn University is an R1 research institute that facilitates campus wide faculty research and creative scholarship. In the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, our world-class faculty benefit from a robust and comprehensive research environment, enriched with funding and resources such as:

  • State-of-the-art technology and facilities
  • Lab space, equipment, and vehicles for field work
  • Positive and inclusive working environment
  • Mentorship for junior faculty members
  • Strong IT and staff support
  • Sabbatical leave support
  • Endowed professorships
  • Strong industry support for research
  • Matching support for internal and external grants
  • Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) Fellowships and enhancement fund for graduate student recruitment

Additionally, faculty and graduate students may qualify for research support with funds leveraged in part from The McCrary Institute Charles D. McCrary Endowed Fund for Excellence and the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network.

Other Auburn University funding opportunities may be found through the Alabama Agriculture Experimental Station and the Office of Vice President for Research and Economic Development Intramural Grants Program.

We invite you to learn more about these funding opportunities through our website or by contacting Dr. Daowei Zhang, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, 334-844-1067,

The McCrary Institute

The earnings from the endowment provide sustained funding to support a professorship, graduate student fellowships and stipends, travel, equipment, or other current needs of the Institute in the area of natural resource development and conservation.


The CESU Network is well positioned as a platform to support research, technical assistance, education and capacity building that is responsive to long-standing and contemporary science and resource management priorities.

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