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Yucheng Peng

Yucheng Peng

Assistant Professor, Sustainable Packaging & Bioproducts

Office: FPL 121

Faculty Website: Forest Products Development Center
For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., Northwest A&F University, China, Wood Science and Engineering
M.S., Mississippi State University, Forest Products
Ph.D., University of Maine, Forest Resources

Expertise: Peng specializes in biochar manufacturing and characterization, heavy metal ion adsorption by biocarbon, lignocellulosic materials-based polymer composites processing and characterization and plastic packaging recycling.
Teaching Responsibilities: Fundamentals of Packaging Technology, Life Cycle of Sustainable Packaging, Physics and Mechanics of Biomaterials, and Adhesion and Adhesives Technology.
Research Interests: Peng’s research interests include plastic recycling, polymer composite and nanocomposite manufacturing and innovation, biocarbon for water remediation and carbon sequestration, and sustainable packaging.

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