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Tom Gallagher

Tom Gallagher

Regions Professor, Forest Operations

Office: 3425

For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar

AAS, New York State Ranger School, 1977, Forest Technology
BS, University of Maine at Orono, 1981, Forestry
MS Virginia Tech, 1984, Forestry
PhD, Virginia Tech, 2003, Forestry

Expertise: Gallagher's expertise is in forest operations, biomass harvesting and wood procurement issues.
Teaching Responsibilities: Timber Harvesting, Application of Timber Harvesting Techniques, Industrial Wood Procurement Practicum, Procurement Cruising Practicum, Forestry in the Private Sector
Professional Interests: industrial forestry, including timber harvesting and wood procurement; short rotation hardwood plantations for pulp mill use and as an inventory tool; SFI certification as it applies to operations; improving efficiency of harvesting operations; and the harvesting and transportation of forest biomass.
Research Interests: Gallagher's main focus of research is the harvesting and transportation of biomass for consumption at an alternative fuels plant and addressing other challenges that face us today such as improved utilization, forest fragmentation, timber stand improvement, improving forest health and reducing fuel load.

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