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Tim Shearman

Timothy Shearman

Assistant Professor, Forest Disturbance and Resilience

Office: 3205

Faculty website:

For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar

B.A., Environmental Studies, Stony Brook University
M.S., Natural Science, SUNY Plattsburgh
Ph.D., Forest Resources, Clemson University

Expertise: Disturbance Ecology, Forest Resilience, Post-fire tree mortality
Teaching Responsibilities: Dendrology
Research Interests: Shearman’s research revolves around forest disturbances, their influence on forest composition and structure and the persistence of plant species in such environments. Exploring plant response mechanisms is vital for effective ecosystem management, restoration, and conservation, promoting resilience against future disruptions. Shearman employs field studies, traditional statistical approaches, multivariate analyses and advanced machine learning methods to scrutinize data across varying scales.

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