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Sarah Zohdy

Sarah Zohdy

Associate Professor, Disease Ecology

Office: 2333

Faculty Website: Zohdy Lab
For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., Michigan State University, 2006, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Ph.D., University of Helsinki, 2012, Biological and Environmental Sciences

Expertise:Zohdy is an expert in the areas of parasite-host dynamics, vector-borne diseases of humans and animals, primatology and conservation biology.
Teaching Responsibilities: Epidemiology of Wildlife Diseases; One Health: People, Animals, and the Environment; Conservation History and Law; Outbreak!: Contemporary Emerging Infectious Diseases; Disease Ecology
Research Interests: General topic areas include, parasite-host dynamics, primatology, wildlife disease ecology, vector-borne diseases, public health, and conservation biology. Zohdy is interested in the ecological and evolutionary drivers of disease in human and wildlife communities. Most of her research takes place in Madagascar, along the Gulf coast of Alabama, where she is taking a One Health approach to evaluate how anthropogenic disturbance influences vector-borne disease dynamics that threaten human and wildlife health.

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