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Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

Professor, Coastal Wetland Ecology

Office: 4409

Associate Director, Center for Environmental Studies at the Urban-Rural Interface (CESURI)
Faculty Website: Wetland and Riparian Ecology Lab
For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., Virginia Tech, 1993, Forestry and Wildlife
M.S., University of South Florida, 2001, Botany
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2005, Natural Resources

Expertise: Anderson is an expert in wetland riparian environments, including the study of coastal wetlands, land use impacts, and functional responses to human disturbance.
Teaching Responsibilities: Wetland Ecology and Management, Watershed Management, Urban Ecology
Research Interests: Wetland and floodplain ecology, urban ecology, land use effects and wetland and stream functions, coastal wetland management.

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