Stan Harris
Luck Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Department of Management, Raymond J. Harbert College of Business
PhD, 1988, The University of Michigan
MA, 1985, The University of Michigan
BS, 1981, North Georgia College
Harris’s areas of research include organizational change and transformation, corporate culture, cognitive and emotional sensemaking and sensegiving, and organizational assessment. Of his more than 50 publications, six of his research papers have won awards, including two “best paper” awards from the National Academy of Management. One research paper has been identified as “classic reading.”
His research, which has been cited more than 13,000 times, has appeared in such outlets as Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Change Management, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Human Relations, Strategic Management Journal, and Group and Organization Management. Harris is a member of the Academy of Management and Southern Management Association and serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Change Management.
Through his consulting, group facilitation, and training activities, Harris has been involved with the strategic planning and change efforts of diverse organizations in the US and abroad such as Whirlpool, Amdahl IT Services, McKesson Provider Technologies, UCB Chemicals Corporation, Regions Bank, AuburnBank, ATS Light Alloy Wheels, East Alabama Medical Center, Auburn University, Sony Magnetic Products, and MacMillan Bloedel. In recognition of his diverse activities with the business community, Harris is a recipient of the College of Business’s Excellence in Outreach Award.