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Molly Simonis poses for a headshot photo.

Molly Simonis

Assistant Professor, Wildlife Disease Ecology

Office: 2333

For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., University of Dayton, Environmental Biology, 2009M.S., Biological Sciences, Wright State University, 2018Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 2022

Expertise: Simonis is an expert in disease ecology, ecoimmunology, physiology, and bats.

Teaching Responsibilities: Modeling Applications for Ecological Problems, Outbreaks to Pandemics: Emerging Infectious Diseases in a Modern World, Wildlife Health
Research Interests: Simonis is a disease ecologist interested in wildlife health. Research in her lab focuses on how disturbances in the environment impact wildlife health, particularly when those disturbances come in the form of stressors that act on host physiology, immunity, and ecology. To answer research questions in wildlife health, the Simonis Lab combines field sampling, laboratory diagnostics, and empirical and theoretical quantitative methods.

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