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Li An

Li An

Solon & Martha Dixon Endowed Professor, Ecosystem Modeling

Office: 4345

The Complex Human-Environment Systems (CHES) Lab:

For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.


B.S., Peking University, China, 1989, Urban and Regional Planning (Economic Geography)
M.S., Michigan State University, 2002, Probability and Statistics
M.S., Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992, Systems Ecology
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2003, Systems Modeling (Fisheries and Wildlife).

Expertise: An is an expert in space-time representation, visualization, analysis, computation and micro-level simulation of various human-earth systems
Teaching Responsibilities: Landscape ecology, spatial modeling and simulation and geographical information science.
Research Interests: Environmental data science, complex human-environment systems/science, landscape ecology, geographic information science, applied spatial statistics, artificial intelligence, sustainability science and social-ecological systems


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