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Facilities & Outdoor Classrooms

The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, or CFWE, and its partners utilize the College’s facilities and outdoor classrooms to serve thousands of people each year with K-12 educational programs, skill development workshops and technical seminars, field training exercises, research project assistance, and community programs.

Crooked Oaks

Aerial photo of Crooked Oaks farm and pondIn July of 2023, the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment (CFWE) received an estate gift of 415 acres of Crooked Oaks, legendary Auburn football coach Pat Dye’s homestead. Located in Notasulga, the property includes Dye’s main house, a guest cabin, lodge, pavilion, gazebo, two barns and a nursery office.

To learn more or to inquire about hosting an event at the property, visit the Crooked Oaks website.
Contact Crooked Oaks via email at or phone: (334) 257-1519.

Forestry, Wildlife and Environment Building

SFWS-Building-640Constructed in 2005, the building is situated within Auburn University’s main campus and offers faculty and students state-of-the-art technologies and laboratories, classrooms, libraries, conference rooms, and outdoor spaces for learning and research. It also houses local units of the U.S.D.A. Wildlife Services and the Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit.


Kreher Preserve and Nature Center (KPNC)

discoveryhike-3The Kreher Preserve and Nature Center (KPNC) is a 120-acre property featuring marked trails, educational kiosks, demonstration gardens, a historic homestead, and improved facilities, including a pavilion and amphitheater frequently used for community programs. CFWE students both learn and serve in several capacities here. They might conduct research projects, lead hikes, help with educational programs, develop interpretive signage, or learn different aspects of park operations. The KPNC is free and open to the public seven days a week. Annually, the preserve and its programs serve nearly 30,000 residents and visitors to the Auburn/Opelika area. The facilities are available for rental and private use for groups and individuals.

Learn more by watching a short introductory video: KPNC Video. Visit the KPNC Website.
Contact the KPNC via email at or phone (334) 844-8091.

Mary Olive Thomas Demonstration Forest (MOTDF)

BarlowKushInstructionThis 400-acre property is a designated demonstration forest located just outside Auburn. Faculty and students have used this land to develop recreation or education management plans, conduct fire behavior projects, and to gather for a yearly “Ice Breaker” cook-out.

Read more about this facility in the MOTDF Brochure.


Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center (SDFEC)

sdfecsummer2Located in Andalusia, Alabama, this 5,300-acre outdoor classroom and program venue was donated to the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment for educational use in 1980. The Dixon Center includes a 100-seat auditorium, various classrooms and meeting spaces, dining and recreation halls, and several options for overnight accommodations. In addition to its use as the CFWE site for summer practicum, the Center is also available as an event venue for private/semi-private groups and often serves other universities, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies.


Learn more by watching a short introductory video: SDFEC Video
To learn more about the facility, visit the SDFEC Website.
Contact the SDFEC via email at or phone: (334) 222-7779.

Weagle Woods

BeckyVCOMThis 11-acre tract of forestland sits just behind the CFWE building on the Auburn University campus. Students receive instruction and have participated in management projects. They have cleared a walking trail, worked many hours to clear invasive species, and helped develop interpretive signage in this tract and another stand just across Donahue Drive.

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