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Ezekiel named to CFWE Advisory Council

By November 15, 2024February 28th, 2025No Comments
Matt Ezekiel shares his experience in a pine forest with students from the Yale University School of the Environment.

Matt Ezekiel shares his experience in a pine forest with students from the Yale University School of the Environment.

The Auburn University College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment (CFWE) has welcomed Matt Ezekiel as a new member of its Advisory Council.  A pioneer in the forest industry and Auburn alumnus, Ezekiel joins a distinguished peer group tasked with advancing the academic quality and strategies of the CFWE.

The primary goals of the CFWE Advisory Council are to provide guidance to the college regarding academic excellence, research, outreach programs and financial resources while serving as an advocate for the institution. This group is comprised of alumni, friends, stakeholders and professional colleagues who demonstrate interest in supporting the college.

Matt Ezekiel facilitates a field tour to an investor group in a clear cut forest stand.

Matt Ezekiel facilitates a field tour to an investor group.

Ezekiel of Weogufka, Alabama, graduated from the CFWE in 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in forest resources. Since departing Auburn, he was employed by International Paper (formerly Champion International) for approximately a decade before joining Resource Management Service, LLC (RMS), a timberland investment management firm, in November 2006. These experiences make Ezekiel a qualified candidate to serve on the council, bringing nearly three decades of industry experience to the CFWE.

“Although it has been almost 30 years since I graduated Auburn, I distinctly recall my experience being a mix of great times with friends and classmates, demanding academic work and lots of labs, which looking back served as the connection of classroom theory and practical hands-on application,” Ezekiel said. “To say the least, I was ready to graduate, join the workforce and start earning a paycheck.”

Ezekiel considers the CFWE a special place that played an essential role in launching him into his career. The combination of the college’s faculty and their teachings through experiential learning prepared Ezekiel for a successful forestry career. Currently, Ezekiel serves as the regional manager for RMS’ Central Region, creating and maximizing value on timberland assets that have been entrusted to RMS.

“My current role is to provide direction, coordination and support to a team of dedicated forest managers and staff,” Ezekiel said. “We manage approximately 740,000 acres in Alabama and the western panhandle of Florida.”

Matt Ezekiel speaks with CFWE students at a career fair.

Matt Ezekiel speaks with CFWE students at a career fair.

The successful lineage of producing quality graduates in the CFWE is a primary goal that Ezekiel aims to continue. He feels that all the college’s students deserve to have the same preparation for their careers.

“I think most would agree that the CFWE is well-known and highly regarded for its emphasis on producing quality graduates by properly and purposefully blending applied science and real-world application in its curriculum,” Ezekiel said. “Most, if not all graduates can contribute immediately to the success of whomever may employ them.”

For Ezekiel, his appointment to the CFWE’s Advisory Council is a full-circle moment. He recalls his academic experiences well and is eager to begin working with his peers.

“When I received the invitation from Dr. [Janaki] Alavalapati, I was deeply honored to be nominated, endorsed and accepted by what I consider to be a distinguished peer group,” Ezekiel said. “I look forward to serving on the council and working with everyone to sustain and grow the CFWE’s tradition of academic excellence and its reputation for producing top-tier, market-relevant graduates.”

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