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Todd Steury

Todd Steury

Assoc. Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor of Wildlife Biology

Office: 3301A

Faculty Website: Steury Lab at Auburn University
For a list of current publications, visit Google Scholar.

B.S., University of Colorado, 1996, Biology
M.S., University of Idaho, 2002, Wildlife Resources
Ph.D., Indiana State University, 2007, Ecology

Expertise: Steury is an expert in the areas of carnivore ecology and conservation, predator-prey interactions, and statistics.
Teaching Responsibilities: Wildlife Biology and Statistics, Wildlife Conservation History and Law, Analysis for Wildlife Sciences, Advanced Analysis for Ecological Sciences, Habitat Selection, Use, and Occupancy
Research Interests: My lab is broadly interested in the population ecology, species interactions, and behavior of wildlife, especially mammalian predators and their prey. We are particularly interested in applying knowledge learned in the above areas to better conserve and restore species.

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